Tuesday 30 March 2010

Out of the frying pan and into the fire.....

Well it seems i am doomed to either spend the rest of my life smoking and smelling like an ashtray and also putting my babys life at risk - or am i?

I started my champix tablets this week and i have to say the friend who suggested them should have his whatsits took off for lying to me lol - i havent felt this sick since i was pregnant which means the tablets are working but they have awful side effects like tiredness, headaches and nausea and he assured me it was easy ect ect.

And here was me thinking this was my ultimate solution to all my problems but alas its worse than morning sickness and i feel like im out of the frying pan into the fire but as long as it helps my little girl then it cant be all bad :)

I guess we shall have to see how i feel next week.

1 comment:

  1. Keep your chin up...hopefully the effects will wear off. It'll be worth it if you can stop smoking :)
